Why Students Fail Essay

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College graduation day is the grand stage showing off a student 's accomplishments. Hearing the crowd cheer loudly as their name is being announced, an eager student holds onto their diploma as they reminisce on the pathway they have marched to, at last, attain the key that unlocks the door to their dream career. Satisfaction fills their heart knowing that they have defeated their classes and won the great war. Students look forward to this day and know that getting good grades is extremely important since their future greatly depends on it. One must fight for those good grades to achieve an outstanding GPA to hopefully make it to crossing that stage and see their hard work pay off. Even though many students make their way down the path successfully, there are, sadly, many who struggle with maintaining their grades and end up failing their classes; for this reason, they fall back in the battle line and get farther from their goal. However, what are the reasons why so many students fail their classes? A vast majority of the time, the reason for this could be linked back to procrastination and poor understanding. One reason why many students fail a class is because they get trapped in the web of procrastination.There are many reasons why an individual may procrastinate in everyday tasks but it is especially popular among students. …show more content…

Both of these reasons can cause a student to feel stressed out, which can result in them dropping classes. However, a student may benefit from keeping in mind that one is more likely to pass their classes when they avoid procrastination and manage their time wisely, and they are encouraged to ask for the help that is needed. And, to avoid getting discouraged, they may refer to the wise words “the battle is lost but the war has just begun!” Just because one might have fail a few classes, that diploma is not going

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