Mary Sherry In Praise Of The F Word Essay

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Mary Sherry talks about students who failed or just got by in school in the article “In Praise Of the F Word”. The fear of failing will only get people as far as they are willing to go if they are truly trying to better themselves it makes sense that failing would be a motivator. On the other hand, some people don’t care at all and failing is just part of their vocabulary. Mary reflects on how “high-school graduates and drop outs pursuing graduate-equivalency certificates will learn the skills they should have learned in school”. (1) For a lot of people the realization comes after they are out of school and realize that one of the only ways to move up and make more money is more education. Failing is only as affective as someone makes it the more serious someone takes failing the higher their chances of getting higher grades.
Failing is not an option for many people this means that they will do anything they can to get good grades and keep them there. For many people getting by is just fine and some just don’t care at all, normally collage is where people get weeded out. During this time in life most adults know the meaning of failing and what consequences it will have, number one being the loss of money for the class that must be taken a second time. However sometimes one might fail due to distractions or problems …show more content…

“Flunking as a regular policy has just as much merit today as it did two generations ago” per Mary. This is only true if the standard of failing stayed the same and everyone viewed it the same, but it does hold true to some extent. Dose the fear of failure benefit students? I think so if the standard stays the same failure can be a

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