Causes Of Student Stress

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Are We Dealt More Than We Can Handle?
College can be stressful. You can easily get anxious trying to juggle school, work, friends, and family while trying to figure out the rest of your life, a majority of us bounce back. But intense, uncontrollable and frequent feelings of anxiety that effects your daily routines may be a sign of an anxiety disorder. Causes? The stress of schoolwork, relationships, finances. The more you think about what you have to do, the more you feel like you’re paralyzed. Anxiety has now surpassed depression as the most common mental health diagnosis among college students, though depression, too, is on the rise. Students need help, now more than ever to help them with this strong overpowering urge to breakdown and give …show more content…

Stressors affecting students can be categorized as academic, financial, time or health related, and self-imposed (Goodman, 1993; LeRoy, 1988). Academic stressors include the student 's perception of the amount of work they are being dealt from each of their professors. Students report experiencing academic stress at predictable times each semester with the highest sources of stress coming from taking and studying for exams, grade competition, and the large amount of school work to complete in such a little amount of …show more content…

Effective time management strategies increase academic performance and are frequently suggested by academic assistance personnel as aids to enhance achievement for college students. Productive study methods are characterized by "time management" and "strategic studying" (Entwistle & Ramsden, 1983; Kirschenbaum & Perri, 1982). Although suggestions of starting large projects and assignments long before due dates, breaking down large tasks into smaller sections, and doing small tasks on a regular schedule, could all help a student with the amount of anxiety and stress that they are dealing with but yet students ignore these techniques and find themselves having a tough time and struggling before

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