Why Khrushchev Won The Cuban Missile Crisis

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In October 1962, the United States and the Soviet Union faced off in what could be considered the most dangerous moment in the Cold War. The United Sates realized that the Soviet Union was holding medium-range missiles armed with nuclear weapons that could hit every major city in the U.S. At the time President John F. Kennedy was in office. Kennedy took much time and thought when putting a naval quarantine and negotiating a deal that led the Soviets to remove the missiles that were being held in Cuba, in exchange for this we made a promise to not invade Cuba and a secret promise to remove our nuclear-tipped missiles from Turkey. Although this tension only lasted 13 days, a lot was both gained and lost by the U.S. and the Soviets.

After the Soviets assured us that they had removed all nuclear weapons President Kennedy decided to lift the Cuban blockade on November 20, 1962, however, Khrushchev only got rid of the missiles
This was the site for which held many missiles that belonged to the United States. This is one of the two reasons that Khrushchev claimed that he “won” the Cuban Missile Crisis. Which in my opinion there was nothing really to win. One of his other aims that Khrushchev achieved would be that America would never bother Cuba again. I guess you could say that due to the fact Khrushchev considered these wins, we consider these losses. Overall there were no gains other than that the missiles were taken away from the United States, the United States lost its dignity when brought to the brink of war. As far as the other parts of the world go they just sat back and watched, hoping that they wouldn’t need to get involved with a nuclear war. In all reality this was a conflict that stayed between the Soviets and the United States, not many other countries were nor did they want to get

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