Monroe Doctrine

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On December 2, 1823, President James Monroe articulated his seventh annual message to Congress. This message presented Americans with a statement that changed the way the Western Hemisphere would be view and how international affairs toward the new Latin colonies would be handle from this point forward. It addressed European nations in particular and stated that “the United States would not tolerate further colonization or puppet nations” The Monroe Doctrine was initially designed to protect the Latin colonies but later President Theodore Roosevelt extended the Doctrine to include the United States would be the policing powers of the Western Hemisphere, this became known as the Roosevelt Corollary. Roosevelt stated that the United States had a “morale mandate” to ensure that other nations used appropriate attitudes toward Latin America. Roosevelt felt strongly in about the conduct of other nations and further stated: “It is not that the United States feels and land hunger or entertains any projects as regards the other nations of the Western Hemisphere save such as are for their welfare. All that this country desires is to see the neighboring countries stable, orderly, and prosperous. Any country whose people conduct themselves well can count upon our hearty friendship. If a nation shows that it knows how to act with reasonable efficiency and decency in social and political matters, if it keeps order and pays its obligations, it need fear no interference from the United States. Chronic wrongdoing, or an impotence which results in a general loosening of the ties of civilized society, may in America, as elsewhere, ultimately require intervention by some civilized nation, and in the Western Hemisphere the adherence of the U...

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...hed between the two countries to end the possibility of a nuclear war. America agreed to never invade Cuba and Russia agreed to remove all of the systems support and missiles from Cuba. The quarantine ended on November 20, 1962 after the Russians removed all of their missiles systems and support equipment and left the Cuban island. This dispute ultimately led to the Moscow-Washington Hotline, and American deactivated their weapons systems eleven months after the standoff.

The United States on several occasions have had to enforce the Monroe Doctrine and police international lands, our power to stop tyranny, corruption and our desire to maintain international unity will continually allow the United States to remain the great Nation that it is.

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