Why Is Batman Really Happened In The Mid-1980s?

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Thus far, I haven’t been a huge fan of the DC Universe’s animated productions – especially the Batman films. Much of my dismay stems from the usage of Damian Wayne, who, for all intents and purposes, is little more than a modern version of what Jason Todd, should have been when he was introduced in the mid-1980s. To be frank, he’s a sniveling little brat that needs to die... Oh wait, he already did (in the pages of Batman Incorporated) – and then he was brought right back.

But, I digress…

When we last saw Damian Wayne (Batman vs. Robin), he had escaped the clutches of the Talon and that whole Court of Owls ordeal, and decided to rush off to a monastery in the Himalayas. And, Batman continues to struggle with the balancing act of being both a reluctant father, not to mention a mentor and a teacher to a son that has …show more content…

Robin left off, Jay Oliva returns to direct Batman: Bad Blood – once again starring Jason O’Mara as the voice of Batman/Bruce Wayne and Stuart Allan as the voice of Robin/Damian Wayne. This time, though, Batwoman/Kate Kane (Yvonne Strahovski) takes center stage – only to witness the presumed death of Batman.

The noticeable absence of Batman has Nightwing/Dick Grayson (Sean Maher) concerned – prompting Damian to return to Gotham City. In the meantime, criminals need to know Batman is alive and well – leaving only Dick to take-up the mantle of Batman. His first test, with the assistance of Robin, is against a brute-looking mask bearer, called the Heretic (Travis Willingham) – who also happens to know Batman’s secrets.

In the meantime, Batman and Robin, aided by Batwoman, and yet another new Bat-figure, Batwing (Gaius Charles), discover Bruce Wayne is alive. To their disbelief, though, Bruce has been brainwashed by the daughter of Ra’s al Ghul (and Damian’s mother), Talia (Morena Baccarin) – who attempts to use Bruce to implement her grand scheme of brainwashing the world’s leaders in order to take over the

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