Batman Eulogy

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Eulogy Speech
Batman Eulogy

Ladies, gentlemen and children, we have gathered here to honor our fallen hero, Batman.
We never knew his real name, and now we never will.
We always called this brave hero, Batman. Few knew his real identity, and they have reframed from sharing this information with the public, even as police commissioner, I James Gordon, never knew his real identity.
But I do know one thing, Batman was there for us when we needed him the most. He separated us from our darkest nightmares every night. He guarded our houses and protected our families, our friends, and our children. Batman stood up for what he believed, he always had us, the people of Gotham in his best interest. What more could we have asked Batman to do? I could stand up here and say "I never knew the man," but that might not be the truth. During my life, I have known many men, many men who are full of strength, courage, and virtue. Any of these men could have been the Batman and I would have never been aware. However good men still walk among us today, even without Batman. These good men and women are my hope, my consolation for …show more content…

In an attempt to show our gratitude to him, let us make this day an memorial that will always stand in his honor. Teach your children about the Batman and the sacrifices he made for each and every one of us. Tell your children that without this man, the city would not be like it is today, chances are, none of us would be alive if it hadn't been for Batman. Tell your children not to honor the Batman with kind words, though words may be nice, actions say what words cannot. Tell your children to act like Batman, to always put others before themselves, to sacrifice for those in need. Let us send this message out of just Gotham, let us share our message with every one in attempts that we can bring the world together and fight back against the evil that walks among us. Let us sacrifice the way Batman always did for

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