Why I Want To Go To A Small College Essay

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After twelve years of schooling it is time to start the next chapter of your life. You know you want to attend college for the next four years but not sure what type of college best fits you and your needs. One of the most basic things to look at is the size, from size you can break it down into parts and choose what it is right for you and your needs
One of the biggest factors and on where choosing to go to college is your major. If you are to go to a smaller college you really want to know what your major is. This is because at smaller colleges there is less majors, professors and money to fund a lot of majors instead they focus on whatever they like and have the most interest for. You would not want to attend a small college unsure because …show more content…

At a smaller college there will be less on campus activities then a larger college, there is not a reason for that but just a noticeable trend. If you adore city life or want to try it out smaller colleges will be your best, not always true but they tend to be in or very near cities. Which could make an individual feel at home if they are use to that lifestyle or force a person to experience something they are not use too. This is not always true for smaller colleges though just a trend. With larger colleges they can be everywhere, no typical trend. Some cases they are in small areas, far away from major cities, in other cases major cities and another common case is “college towns”. College towns are places where the university dominates the area-- town, city, neighborhood, or district. Being at a larger college that is considered a college town provides amazing opportunities. The whole area backs you up and wants you to succeed. For example, businesses might give you a discount on their product or give you a job or internship. Also, if you are interested in sports you most likely will want to attend a large college because they have options and more funding to have more options and give scholarships. While, at a smaller college you will have your basic sports and never receive a

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