Comparison of Universities and Community Colleges

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Comparison of Universities and Community Colleges When you graduate high school you have your choice of what kind of an education you want to get. You have your choice of going to a 4-year university, or a 2-year college. In order to decide you will compare the two and use the comparisons to come up with your final decision. Questions to ask yourself would be, what are you looking for in college, how do you want to learn, and how much money do you have to work with. Comparing University and Community college the first thing that comes to mind is the difference in price. Certain Universities are more expensive than others. The difference in price is because of the difference in price and size, also because of the difference in the educational program they have. The price for a University can also differ with whether or not you are going to live there. With a Community college the price will differ significantly. The difference in price strands for the difference in size, teaching and living. At a Community college you have a smaller campus, the curriculum is different and yo...

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