Why I Want To Be A S. W. A. T Officer Essay

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Personal statement essay

How can you decide what the future career of your life would be? Throughout my years of school, I’ve always thought that I didn't want to go to college. I didn't want to feel obligated to finish another four years of school and drudge more work because In my opinion, I believed there was no sense of going to more school. All my life, i dreamed of going into the police force as a S.W.A.T officer. My plan was to go to the military right after school because I knew, with all my research i've done, that there is a better chance to get into the police force, as well as, a S.W.A.T officer if you have experience from the military or anything that Involves police training. Otherwise, I would have to go to college, …show more content…

The Coast Guard was one of the last alternatives, that my mom introduced me to, for the choice of my future career. The moment that I found out about the Coast Guard and all of its amazing advantages, I pretty much fell in love with idea of being in that branch and occupation. first and ( in my opinion ) best options that I feel would be good for me after high school. It is the perfect occupation for me, and has all the factors that qualify for the job of my dreams. Being in the Coast Guard gives me a lot of financial benefits that also fits into the ideal profession that I had in store for my life. If I was to join the Coast Guard, it would give me many advantages that people with ordinary jobs don’t get to have. Some of which include, flying to wherever you wanted to, for free that also covers your families flights too. Medical, dental, and eye insurance is also covered with the help of being in the Coast Guard. Besides those, you have a steady income, which pays you a solid salary regardless of how many hours you’ve worked. You get thirty days paid vacation a year, allowance that pays for your housing, clothes and food, and in addition, you get your college tuition paid for, which is great. Another good thing about becoming a part of the Coast Guard is that you can retire after twenty years of being apart of it, and once you do, you still get life

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