The Coast Guard (CG) is the nation’s smallest armed service and most misunderstood armed service. Most Americans know the Coast Guard is the nation’s premiere lifesaving service. Some may even know that the Coast Guard is the nation’s oldest continuing sea going service. While the Coast Guard falls under the UCMJ just like the other four branches, and often works side by side with them especially the Navy; The Coast Guard is usually trained for a very different mission than their DOD counterparts
Murphy’s law states that anything that can go wrong will go wrong. As someone who bears the name I can attest the truth in that statement. I have an extremely blessed life and do not endure the suffering that many people do on a daily basis. However, I have bizarre connections to small misfortunes and circumstances that follow me back as far as I can remember. Any acquaintance of mine will attest that things in my life never go as planned and anything that can happen will. Yet through a collection
Throughout history the United States Coast Guard (USCG) has played a significant role in securing our coasts and protecting our borders. The objectives of the USCG are to provide protection of maritime economy and the environment, save those in peril, and defend our borders in oceanic regions, lakes and inland waterways. The missions of the USCG are far more diverse than the other military services. Over its lifetime the USCG has evolved its roles over the course of its long history from intercepting
CPO Academy Chief Petty Officer Academy offered me the opportunity to reflect on my career in the United States Coast Guard. It afforded me time to recount the years I spent serving with other leaders. The information I have gathered from the academy has helped me to make a conscious decision on what type of leadership style I think will suit me best. The Coast Guard is an unparalleled organization that prides itself on being the most well managed group of members serving this country. As a Chief
The United States Coast Guard are dedicated men and women who put their lives in danger to protect the United States and the people. The United States Coast Guard was founded by the Government on August 4, 1970. The Coast Guard is a section of the United States military. The Coast Guard are the first to respond to many accidents on the ocean surrounding the United States and on big waterways. They also protect United States ports and waters surrounding the United States. The Coast Guard has a lot
Case Brief Case Citation: SOLORIO v. UNITED STATES 483 U.S. 435 (1987) (No. 85-1581) Procedural History: The petitioner, who was serving as an active member in the United States Coast Guard, was facing a general court martial in New York for sexually abusing the underaged daughters of fellow Coast Guard members while serving at his previous duty station in Alaska and at his current duty station in New York. Solorio filed a motion to dismiss the charges stemming from Alaska arguing the court
the coast from the dreaded German U-boats attacking the shipping lanes. Sixty years later the CAP is still going strong. Performing its missions of aerospace education, cadet programs and search and rescue, CAP is preparing today’s youth to become successful leaders. This was not all that CAP has done. In the beginning of its creation, CAP played a major role in the defense of the U.S. during World War II. CAP played a vital role in the coastal defense of the Southern and Eastern coasts of the
1. Coast Guard leadership has been called to action in response to the ever increasing presence of individual destructive behavior throughout the Coast Guard. The following correspondence outlines the framework of my strategic plan. a. Action: Revitalize our organization’s commitment to producing young Coast Guardsmen and women who are exemplary citizens and who will act honorably and intelligently, whatever their situation or level of responsibilities. Honor, Respect, and Devotion to Duty
The United States Coast Guard does not provide adequate personal financial training to the workforce, resulting in members making poor monetary decisions. Most of our members are living paycheck to paycheck and are stressed out about their financial situation. Why is this? Is it because the members just don’t care or because they don’t know the proper way of managing their money. I would say that it is the latter of the two. A workforce that is stressed out about how the next bill will be paid is
Introduction The U.S. Coast Guard is mandated to ensure and enforce border and maritime security. This critical component to national security plays a vital role in proactively engaging threats and illegal immigration to the United States. U.S. national security is a shared responsibility among all security agencies. Security related issues have been an elusive issue with many attacks directed towards the United States. While immigrants arriving through normal routes through railway, road, and air
The needs of the United States Coast Guard has grown invariably since its establishment in 1790 by Alexander Hamilton. One major which seeks to meet the needs of the Coast Guard is Operations Research and Computer Analysis (ORCA). LT Dougherty, an instructor in the math department of the Coast Guard Academy describes ORCA as a “scientific way of making decisions” to take the best course of action, whether that includes improving efficiency, optimizing resources, or maximizing profit (Dougherty).
In 1910, a glacier off the west coast of Greenland calved an iceberg that would become a chilling part of history. During the night of April 14, 1912, the Iceberg, as it would become known, carved a fatal slice into the Titanic, and the ship that people said "God himself could not sink" became the "greatest sea disaster of all time." How could this deadly iceberg have formed? When snowflakes fall to the ground, the delicate points on the snow crystals break, and the rounded grains mass
Ever since the attacks of the World Trade Center and the Pentagon on September 11th 2001, America has never been the same. After this horrific event America has made many numerous changes to make sure that this would never happen again like making changes to air travel security to border protection changes and many government and leadership changes. One of the first things America has tried to change since then is air travel and travel security. One change that caused many controversies was adding
As a woman on active duty in the United States Coast Guard I have benefited from numerous experiences that have molded and prepared me for my academic career. As a Health Services Technician, I have had the unique opportunity to treat patients and truly help my fellow shipmates. Seven years of experience has shown me how much listening to someone’s story is treatment alone. I have selected Sociology as my major because I have learned that understanding how we operate in society is an essential tool
asymmetrical style attacks against the United States. Port security, along with aviation, ground transportation, customs and other realms of security have seen their share of changes after 2001. In regards to seaborne trade, more than 95 percent of the nation's imported cargo moves through America's 361 seaports each year, and the maritime industry contributes more than $1 trillion to America's annual gross domestic product (Chris, para. 16). The United States port system and that of the worlds is
turn out to be one of the most impactful experiences of my college career. Circumnavigating the world and visiting twelve plus countries by ship tested my own individual values, beliefs, and ultimately influenced my future aspirations to join the coast guard. I was exposed to dozens of various cultures, environments, and challenges that further opened my eyes to issues facing developing nations. The experience further challenged me to become a more resourceful problem-solver. Whether it was navigating
Homeland Security and Homeland Defense are two of the main lines of defense for the United States. Both are equally important and have their unique roles in the security of the United States. The missions, responsibilities, operations, tasks, and resources needed to make the missions work are important. The responsibilities and efforts both share are also vital. The mission of the Department of Homeland Security is “to ensure a homeland that is safe, secure, and resilient against terrorism and other
not it is domestic or foreign. Law enforcement and federal agencies aid in the effort to protect the homeland security with fusion centers and information sharing among agencies. Various elements make up the intelligence community from local and state law enforcement to federal agencies. Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) provides military intelligence to warfighters, defense policymakers, and force planners in the Department of Defense and the
controlled by the treasury department. With the increasing demands of the border, the treasuries choose to create the Division of Customs in 1875. In 1927, the division of customs formed the B... ... middle of paper ... ...lding the Homeland Security State. NACLA Report On The Americas, 41(6), 15-20. Mora, Edwin. (May 8, 2012). GAO: New Border Patrol Strategy Lacks Measures to Gauge Effectiveness. Retrieved on November 11, 2012. From news/article/gao-new-border-patrol-strategy-lacks-measures-gauge-
cultural resources and guarantee their accountability and respectful treatment. HISTORY: The U.S customs service was initially established during 17th century by the first congress of the United States at 31 July 1789 under the fifth act, which emerged from the 2nd and 3rd act of the first congress of United States, which established the system of tariffs on imported goods and tonnages of ships. There was a urgent need of money to support the federal government so the founding father and member of