Why I Want To Be A Nurse Practitioner Essay

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When you’re running there is always this voice inside of you constantly telling you to stop, quit and give up because your body cannot handle anymore. However, you know you can push further and those few extra strides will be the difference between failure and success. Throughout my educational journey I’ve faced many obstacles and at each there were two paths; one leading to the advancement of my career both mentally and physically, the other, bringing me a step back. Today I am proud to say that I have successfully attained my Registered Nurse license with a Masters Degree in Nursing (MSN) while always maintaining an above average academic performance.
Obtaining my masters degree was such a great accomplishment that now attending a recognizable and top university for my nurse practitioner certificate will only make my educational experience more significant. Now that I have reached this point in my life, I am ready for the next step in my journey, which is why I would love to further my education to a masters’ level by attending Samuel Merritt. One of the main reasons that I want to further educate myself is when I imagine my parents, siblings or close ones in a hospital setting, I would want them to have the best quality of care from nurses to doctors. I believe to give the best quality of care, one has to educate themselves to the higher …show more content…

In my past nursing experience, I have seen people compromise their daily living due to a medical conditions, which makes me continue to strive to be a better human being. As a nurse you save a life every day, it doesn’t matter if it’s a minor or major change you have provided, at the end of day it still matters. A simple smile on the patient’s face or their family members is enough to make me do this job, and nothing else, for the rest of my

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