Why I Want To Be A Future Special Educator

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Education. A word that many people here in the United States take for granted. A word that should be cherished with high regards. Education is the foundation of this country and allows for our society to continually progress. Being an educator is a job that can truly impact every community in America, but it’s a job which requires great training and must be taken seriously. Educators have America’s future in the palm of their hands; so, as a future special educator, I will strive to help my students feel like vital members to society by increasing social skills, teaching students the importance of reading and writing, and most importantly building students’ self-confidence. Providing students of all kinds with proper social skills can really influence the progress of our country. By having social skills, students are able to grow up and be prepared for interviews, meetings, and just every day interactions. Not only do I want my students to be prepared for these social encounters, I want my students to walk into social settings with manners and confidence. Students with disabilities often have a more difficult time interacting with others, however, a smile along with please and thank yous can only help when speaking to others. …show more content…

These skills push our society to keep learning and increasing our vocabularies and grammar. When it comes to students with disabilities, we cannot over look these skills. Students need to be able to read street signs or bill boards as well as be able to communicate through writing. For non-verbal students, this is especially important. By providing my future students with the ability to read and write, I hope to empower them to realize they are smart and they are

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