Why I Chose College Essay

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Out of many events of my life, not many have been ones that have helped me decide a path of academic or future careers. There has only been one such event in recent years that has helped me decided for the first time classes and majors that I would be interested in. This event was a field trip and competition at IUPUI. I have always been uncertain and trying to make choices are some of the hardest parts of my life and being indecisive about what to study in college was no different. I have thought about many different types of things, but the studies that have always interested me and came the best to me in school was science and math. The problem was that there are so many types of sciences and maths that one can try and go to college for and I have thought about going into some kind of medicine, engineering, learning harder and more math concepts and even being a lawyer has sounded like something I would want to pursue. I wanted something that related to me and during sophomore year saw a class called AP Computer Science and Principles. …show more content…

I also had always wanted to know more and be able to more with them. Everybody has seen movie clips or videos of coding and at first thought that all coding was done in binary, but was I so very wrong. I would come to learn lots about simple languages like scratch and python. The class was fun, but I wasn't progressing as much as I would like and as the fall semester was about mid way through our teacher talked to us about an options field trip to IUPUI to compete with other high school students. It was an event done in pairs and thought that it would be a fun things to do with a friend even if nothing came out of it, but I would get more out of the competition, than I had throughout most of the school life on deciding on what I might

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