Why Do Children Learn Through Independence

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I believe in an early childhood setting children learn best through independence. Children are full of energy they learn about the world through their senses, and what catches their attention, they can teach themselves to do many obstacles. Since every child is different children learn through their own speed, timing, and capabilities. Children are driven to learn when they are given a chance to make choices in a setting that is nourishing and motivating. Children learn by feeling in control. Learning can be fulfilling for them when they can use and expand their previous knowledge and skills. For example, by challenging themselves they are able to take the lead and share with adults what they have learned outside of the classroom.
One thing I believe helps a child learn is supporting their participation and learning. When a child gets support from their peers it acknowledge and nurtures them to feeling in control and empowering. For example, supporting a child when they are learning a new task can help he/she to make judgement on how well they have done it. I believe when you are helping a child to learn its all about supporting them because, it can give the child a sense of encouragement to help teach each other. Also when helping children to learn I believe its important to steer children from needing assistance, but to guide them to achieving a task by themselves. Every task children should experience should be challenging but also reasonable for every child. …show more content…

As a teacher, the role also is to enhance children's self-concept by supporting their behavior, and making them feel free to explore and express themselves. The teacher is also there to observe, influence the child to learn, arrange the learning environment, respect children as an individual, get them familiar with learning material, and lead the children to positive

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