Why Did Adolf Hitler Write Mein Kampf

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Adolf Hitler did not write Mein Kampf in a conventional sense but dictated it to his close friend, Rudolf Hess, while he was in prison. Reading Mein Kampf, is in several ways similar to listen to Hitler speak about his youth, his early days in the Nazi party. In the book, Hitler combines elements of autobiography with an exposition of political ideology and speaks about his beliefs and his goals for Germany. Fearing to say something obvious; in his novel, Hitler considers that there is a superior race, the Aryan race, who is superior to the others, and the other races are lesser, and the Aryans feel themselves obligated to do the best and destroy those who opposed them. He stated that non-Aryan "races", such as Jews, Slavs, and Gypsies were inferior. He feels that the Versailles treaty was a disgrace and guaranteed to regain German lands. This signals the real nature of Hitler, a leader that although exceptionally charismatic, was an extremely deranged man. Hitler was an …show more content…

It is significant to note that Mein Kampf did not have numerous literary successes. The name of the book Mein Kampf in English means “My Struggle.” The novel was dull, and its aggressive politic overtones were mostly ignored in 1925 when the book was released. The novel was so insignificant that the authorities did not even deigned to censor it. It was only after 1930, when Hitler won the elections, that the book become vital. One can say, if Hitler would not have won the elections, the novel would have gone to oblivion. Numerous critics have tried to find something autobiographical in the book, but have been unsuccessful, although Hitler describes his youth, it is done in an embellished tone, to motivate the people. In the novel, those who try to find something that refers to the inner life of Hitler, will be disappointed, all they will find is keys of what Hitler considers will be the future world, under Aryan

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