Why Chinese Parents Are Superior And Hanna Rosin's Mother Inferior

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The raising of children has always been an issue that has pondered the general public. Parenting styles differ vastly based on factors that may include: race, age, and location. After reading both Amy Chua’s “Why Chinese Parents are Superior” and Hanna Rosin’s “Mother Inferior?”, it can be concluded that parenting styles can differ based on race. Based on this factor, a western parent may push their children to accomplish more personal goals, to make friends, to attend school activities, and to be themselves. However, the opposite could also occur. An oriental parent may push their children to avoid a social life, to not be themselves, to not attend school activities, and to not accomplish personal goals. A more western parenting style is superior …show more content…

This style allows the child to attend sleepovers, their poorly drawn drawings are praised, they’re not forced to play instruments like the violin or piano but rather are given the option to pursue their own instrumental choice. As Rosin puts it, “[..] why not wait for your children to show some small spark of talent or interest in an activity before you force them to work at it for hours a day?” (224). By allowing a child to behave freely rather than being forced to practice an instrument for eight hours or not being allowed to attend school activities, a child is able to blossom into a happy, moderately successful …show more content…

By using a more assertive parenting style, but not aggressive, where a parent listens to a child’s point of give, empathizing with the child, and setting reasonable consequences without blaming a child for mistake, a child is able to receive a healthy balance of nurturing from the parent as well as a structure for the child to base their life upon. This style of parenting allows a child to build a self-esteem through communication with the parent and sets realistic goals for the child to accomplish. By using this parenting style, parents are able to be raise a normal, functioning child through respectful speech, setting realistic goals, and proper

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