What Are The Four Parenting Styles Essay

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Parenting styles are very diverse and you can come across many depending on the parent. Raising a child can be very challenging and a huge responsibility on the parent, because many people often question what goes on in the child’s home. It is also often said that what a child is experiencing or learning in their home is how they will behave in public. The style of parenting can affect how the child socialize with others and even how well they are able to deal with life situations as they get older. There are four different parenting styles that are often used today, authoritative, neglectful, permissive, and authoritarian. Diana Baumrind, a psychologist who conducted research on parenting styles. Baumrind, came up with three of the four parenting …show more content…

This style of parenting is best described as the child having more control over the parent. There are a lot of parents today that seem to have no control of their child actions and even words. This in which can make the parents question what are they doing wrong when it comes to raising their child. This type of parent have very low demands and are highly responsive, maybe even too responsive to the child’s needs. Although these parents are very loving of their children they do not have many rules that their child should abide by (Cherry, K. 2017, para.1). Not setting ground rules gives the child the freedom to do whatever they want and know that they will not receive a harsh, if any punishment at all. Also, parents who are permissive tend to want to be their child’s best friend. The child in this parent in child relationship tends to have more control than the parent. If there are not any rules in place to be followed the child will eventually resort to negative behaviors, and may even be insure because of the low discipline from their parents (Cherry, K. 2017, para. 9). Permissive parents should give the child rules to follow and discipline them if broken, to ensure that their child follow the right path throughout

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