Who was Adolf Hitler?: An Inside Look on the Holocaust

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Most people have heard of the holocaust, but I really wonder how many people know the details about who Adolf Hitler was and his goal in launching World War II. There are still some non-believers who will try to say that the Holocaust didn’t really happen, but there are too many facts that easily dispute this theory for it to be believed (Friesen). Adolf Hitler, the Holocaust, and all the damage that was caused were very real.

Hitler was born in 1889, in Austria-Hungary. From the time he was in school, Hitler believed that he was better than others. He was uninterested in school and eventually dropped out at age sixteen. He became homeless, and lived on the streets. He began painting pictures and sold them, earning enough money to move into a hostel where he stayed for three years. After that, he joined the army (Tames pg. 6, 7, 9, 12).

Hitler eventually joined the Nazi party, and slowly moved up in ranking. Eventually, Hitler wanted more. He resigned from the Nazis, then came back on the condition that he was the leader. Hitler was declared Fuhrer on July 29, 1921 ("Rise of Hitler: Hitler Named Leader of Nazi Party”). After being put in charge, Hitler began making changes in the world. Hitler made anitsemitism, the discrimination of and hatred against Jews, the Nazi viewpoint (Roth pg. 17) and set a goal for the Nazi state: “to promote the victory of the better and the stronger and demand the subordination of the inferior and the weaker,” (Friesen) namely- the Jews. The Nazi plan under Hitler was to deport 3.5 million to 4 million Jews to the East where they would all be executed (Roth pg. 293). Reichsmarschall Herman Goring said that his goal was “the elimination of the Jew from the German economy,” (qtd. Roth pg. 123).


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...hich to be proud. I can only pray that humanity will never again let something like that happen and that we never have another Adolf Hitler.

Works Cited

Tames, Richard. Adolf Hitler (Heinemann Profiles). Des Plaines, IL: Reed Educational &
Professional, 1999. Print.

Friesen, Trevor. ¨Hitler's Master Race." Hickman Middle School. Hickman Middle
School, Hickman, CA. 6 Mar. 2014. Lecture.

Roth, John K. The Holocaust Chronicle. Lincolnwood, IL: Publications
International, Ltd., 2000.

The Last Days. Director James Moll. Perf. Bill Basch, Alice Lok Cahana, Renee
Firestone, Tom Lantos, and Irene Zisblatt. October Films, 1998. DVD.

"Rise of Hitler: Hitler Named Leader of Nazi Party." The History Place - Rise of Hitler: Hitler Named Leader of Nazi Party. The History Place™, 1996. Web. 18 Mar. 2014. .

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