What Is The Gate Control Theory Of Pain?

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There are four specific concepts that need to be addressed while caring for a patient with pain. Beneficence can be defined as preventing harm, guarding the rights of the patients by doing what is best for the patient (Bernhofer, 2011, p. 2). Most of the health care professionals entered into this profession because they want to do ‘good’ for the patient .Uncontrolled pain can lead to complications and potentiates the onset of chronic pain. Nurses need to make assessment and recognition of pain as their priority “to do good and prevent harm” to the patients. The nurse needs to act as an advocate among their team members and work towards a common goal of identifying and treating the patient’s pain. If nurses fail to do so and withholding the …show more content…

Additionally, pain has positive and negative effects on human system considering this positive and negative aspects of pain the color green is a clear indicator of warning sign to an individual. To depict the Gate control mechanism which is like unto an opening and closing of the gate, the decision symbol indicated by diamond shape is used in this framework. Orange color is used in this gate control to represent the overbearing of signals receiving from the nociceptors through large and small fibers. The arrows represent the direction of flow of nerve impulse from nociceptor to the spinal cord and then finally to the brain. In summary, theoretical framework model describes how a person perceives the pain. Nociceptors are stimulated by an internal or external stimuli, pain perception takes place when this stimulus travels through L fibers and S fibers reach the spinal cord then ascend to the brain. The nurse identifies the patient’s problem “pain” and assess, intervene and treat through an interpersonal therapeutic relationship to promote health and

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