Persuasive Essay On Barbie Vs Spongebob

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Barbie vs Spongebob Have you ever wondered, who would win a food eating competition between Barbie and Spongebob? The answer would most likely be no, but take a second to think about who would be victorious. Would it be Miss. Perfect or the Krusty Krab’s Chef? SpongeBob has the ability to expand and shrink, has a mind that doesn't care about what others say, and has more passion for food than Barbie. SpongeBob would definitely beat Barbie in a food eating contest. One of the main reasons why Spongebob would beat Barbie, is because he has the ability to expand and shrink. Since Spongebob is made up sponge, Spongebob doesn’t have a limit to eating food as his body will just keep expanding. If Spongebob eats an astounding amount of food, he

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