What Is Moral Perfection Essay

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Moral perfection is something that I strive for in my life. Moral perfection is just an ideal, but I can always improve. Before breaking my arm I thought that I was a pretty good person, but the Lord always has a way of humbling his children. I thought I was a star of a team, star of a village, star of a musical, star in the classroom and in one night I was reminded of who I truly was. Yes I maybe those things I mentioned, but I am truly just a child of God who strives to be an example. I lost my way from the Lord and thought my own way was better and I was wrong. The hardest part of this paper was being able to humble myself and admitting that I let pride take over my life. While sitting in a hospital bed and I could not go to the bathroom, then I realized what pain truly is to me. The positives from my experience is that I have learned to accept help from others, to appreciate the little things I never did before, to see my mother in a new light and to have a reason to fight back for the things I want back. I never liked help with anything I did growing up and I resented people who helped. In school I would only ask for help when I needed it and even yet my elementary teachers would give help anyway. Not being able to even walk to the bathroom myself made me …show more content…

Yes I have had trouble controlling my anger and tongue. These are things that I will strive to improve. I know the problem areas were talking to girls from my past and I now have them out of my life. I believe I shall leave you with the words of the Lord given to the prophet Ether, “And if men come unto me I will show unto them their weakness. I give unto men weakness that they may be humble; and my grace is sufficient for all men that humble themselves before me; for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make weak things become strong unto them.” Ether 12:

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