Comparative Analysis: Climate Change Perspectives

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An inconvenient truth by Al Gore and An inconvenient truth or conventional fiction by Stephen Haywards both stand as scientifically backed up movies with good intention. Both movies and both authors believe that the world is changing and that climate change is real. The difference between the two are their methods and actions that they take towards the problem.
Al Gore, a known environmentalist and politician who is also well known for being an extremist. Though an extremist Al Gore comes from the right place and has good intentions. Extremists tend to be extremists because they are not the majority. The issue of Climate change is so important yet can be a laughing matter to many people especially in politics. When an issue is so large …show more content…

Changes need to be made and politicians unfortunately are who people rely on. They have power and can make the change. Scientist are the back bone behind them but the reality is politicians make the rules and laws. Stephen Hayward argues that Global Warming should be left to scientists but unfortunately that is not enough. Scientists do not have the media and following the Politian's do.
The "climategate" scandal makes sceptics question climate change even more. Science is trial and error. To find an answer to a problem the problem must be questioned over and over. Failure is all apart of the process to find answers and solutions. The emails that were leaked were personal and not intended for public eye. The scientists had error and failure. Thus furthering the confusion for many people over the entire idea of global warming.
People need to understand that everything in life that they do has consequences, some big and some very large. Global warming is that large consequence for everything that humans have done. The issue is growing rapidly and changes are not being made. The earth and the people on it need someone to take a stand to make the change and open the eyes of

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