What Does Courage Mean To You Essay

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The quality I feel I possess is courage. Courage is when a person is willing to face challenges head on (lms.grantham.edu). I fulfill the characteristics of courage when it comes to facing the challenge of my health in my everyday life head on and not trying to run from it. I have to keep my body strong by exercising, and taking my medicine daily in order to be healthy. The first quality I would like to improve up on is empathy. Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of another person. I need to improve up on empathy because one day I might meet someone that is going through something that is so terrible that they need me as human to understand what they are feeling but I wouldn’t be able to do that because I have a hard time of putting myself in someone else’s …show more content…

By doing that I could get the feel of being curious about what is happening in another individual’s life. The second step I need to do which may be the most important is to try being empathetic of someone else’s life and try to gain experience and understand what they feel. I feel the saying walk a mile in another person’s shoes goes a long way in being empathetic. The second quality I chose that I need to improve is humility. Humility is the quality of not thinking you are better than other people (www.merriam-webster.com). Basically it’s the ability of being aware of your own faults. The first step I need to take in order to overcome the obstacles of humility to fulfill the characteristics is by accepting others opinion and be able to accept the mistakes that they make. Also I should be open to new things and don’t brag about what I have. I must also keep in mind that no one is perfect and everyone makes mistakes. I RUNNING HEADER: FAIR-MINDED QUALITIES should always remember that a mistake can be corrected. The second step I should take is

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