The Value Of Courage Essay

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Courage is a virtue what everybody should have As stated by Yeung Kathryn, “You get in life what you have the courage ask for”, courage is a highly acclaimed trait that shows the action on the consequences of fears and doubts. This is not a single characteristic. It is the combination of numerous quality such as bravery, passion, faith and so on which makes a perfect human being. Though it is very easy to pronounce, it needs lots of struggle to raise up. The value of courage is profound by motivation behind it. By being brave simply is not considered as courage. Firstly, courage is a quality that includes motivation and thoughts of an action. Without the action, the value of courage can not be raised up. Though the situation is hard to look …show more content…

Most of the people have scared to face the difficulties on their life. For example, to hunt a lion which stole cow every night might be considered beyond courage. Because it makes no sense to sacrifice life for a cow. Some people might argue with it. But ethically, it is not only the act of foolishness but also it shows the ability of courage. It is the quality to which makes a person to stand up to speak and to sit down to listen. There are two distinct types of courage such as physical and moral courage. Physical courage represents the quality of bravery which includes physical pain, hardship, death or threat of death. On the other hand, moral courage is the ability which shows the power to act rightly in the popular opposition, shame, scandal, discouragement, or personal loss. Moreover, it sets the things on mind to fight against all fears. Sacrificing lives for fighting against fears is the highest example of courage because only few number of people can do …show more content…

At first, anyone need to gain the ability to face the problem. Then, try to be skilled to deal with that situation fearlessly by overcoming all challenges. “We must have courage to bet on our ideas, to to take the calculated risk, and to act. Everyday living requires courage if life is to be effective and bring happiness” (Maltz, 1873). To achieve this virtue, anyone should have the faith on his/her power and be confidence with positive attitude. A courageous mindset is the combination of faith, self-confidence, and mostly depends on positive thinking.
According to the Aristotle, “The virtuous amount of courage is found between two vices: recklessness which is considered as an excess of courage, and cowardice which means a deficiency of courage.” There are several ways that can help to teach an 8-years old child about courage.
For example, by showing their own courage what they do without knowing it, by making family practice of connecting and contributing, by creating self-reflection on the presence of their mind, by representing a model of courageous man, even by giving reward after doing

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