What Different Experience Of The Salve Trade Are Reflected In These Documents?

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1. What different experience of the salve trade are reflected in these documents? How can your account for those differences?
The different experiences reflected here include a few points of views about slavery. At first, it is an experience of an enslaved person, Olaudah Equiano. A man, who was enslaved at the age of 11, encountered three different owners, and finally bought his freedom in 1766. The second experience covers the story of a European slave trader, and his experience about how the slave trade was executed in practice. The third document is a letter from the monarch of the kingdom of Kongo who described how his kingdom suffered from the slave trade. And the last document, on the other hand, describes the thoughts of the king …show more content…

2. What perspectives are missing that might add other dimensions to our understanding of this commerce of people?
The second document covers an experience of the English slave merchant, however, there are not much information about the African slave merchants. Also, the slavery experience was given from the male point of view, therefore, there is a missing the experience of female slaves.
3. In what ways do these documents support, illustrate, or contradict he chapters narrative discussion of the slave trade?
All documents illustrate how the African slave trade worked, shows how it was done by European and African slave traders.
Document 14.1 gives more detailed picture about the Middle Passage; how and in what conditions slaves were transported from the African coast.
Document 14.2 supports the text about how African authorities were conducting the slave trade (691).
4. What light do these documents shed on the much-debated question about who should be held responsible for the tragedy of the Atlantic slave

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