What Causes Juvenile Lawlessness

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What causes juvenile lawlessness? A man named Sigmund Freud determined that our unconscious controls our personalities, which in turn controls our behaviours. Our personalities include three parts known as the id, the ego, and the superego. The id is present since creation and knows no rules or limitations, as it will unite dreams and realities. The id is unreasoning when concerning instinctual wants, or needs. A running id, with no control, could ruin a human. The ego expands on the id, disuniting dreams and realities. The ego represents the inquisitive dimension in our personalities, while resisting impulses.The superego expands on the ego, representing norms or values that a minor, or a child, has learned. The superego is closest to our consciousness, including reactions like happiness, remorse, or shame. In those with sound minds, the id, the ego, and the superego unite to work. When the id, the ego, and the superego deteriorate, minds turn unwell, or criminal in nature. Freud never reviewed crime, but he inspired criminologists, who expanded on the id, the ego, and the superego. …show more content…

Minors will determine their crimes in a calculated manner, or in other words, minors will estimate a crime’s value and determine whether to to stick to their plan, or eliminate it. This represents a calculated decision where minors determine who their target is, or what their target is, where their crime will be, and how to execute it. This results in thinking pleasure will top crime, or breaking laws, resulting in charges, prosecution, conviction, and a prison sentence. Since behavior is conscious, minors will be liable to their

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