What Are Theodore Roosevelt's Major Accomplishments

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Theodore Roosevelt is a well renowned presidents known for his many achievements while in office. As the youngest president in American history he has been involved with politics almost his whole adult life. Most only know about Theodore Roosevelt being the 26th president, but what was his personal life like? He was sick thought his life but he did not allow his disabilities get in the way of his success. Theodore Roosevelt was born into a wealthy family in 1858 (White House 1). He would struggle with sickness for most of his pre-adult life. According to History Channel online Rosevelt was called "Teddy" by his friends and family since he was ill as a child (History 1). Despite his health issues he did not allow it to stop him form going to Harvard College (History 1). Rosevelt …show more content…

According to the National Parks Services, Roosevelt had been writing from a young age. He began by writing journals and then his writing progressed, he wrote all of his speeches and wrote many books (National Park Services 1). Roosevelt wrote a total of 45 articles and books (National Park Service 1). Not only will he be remembered in history for his works, but by the iconic monument Mount Rushmore. His face has been carved into the mountain along with three other presidents. President Theodore Roosevelt said "No man has had a happier life than I have led; a happier. life in every way." He truly lived his life to the fullest, he did not allow his illnesses as a young person become a disability and rule his life. He also lived a life dedicated to politics and writing. Roosevelt has accomplished much in his life time. He was an avid writer, won the Nobel Peace Prize, and became the 26th President of the United States. He died in 1919, but his legacy still lives on through his works, and also by literally living on through his face which is part of Mount

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