The Pros And Cons Of President Roosevelt V. Roosevelt

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The Republican platform was in favor of Cuban independence and setting up a government in Puerto Rico. It favored construction of the Panama Canal and protective tariffs. The platform warned that businesses should not infringe upon the rights and interest of the people. It also was in favor for equal voting rights for Southern blacks. That last plank made TR wildly unpopular in the South and would allow Parker to win all the Southern states (“Roosevelt v. Parker” 1). TR would receive over $2 million dollars to support his campaign from wealthy individuals such as Edward H. Harriman, Henry C. Frick, and J.P. Morgan. TR won the election against democratic candidate Alton Parker 336 to 140 electoral votes. Roosevelt won pretty easily because Most of them did not agree with Roosevelt’s new progressive ideas. But this didn’t matter. TR was extremely popular with the people and Congress was often pressured to do as he wished. He rarely ever got turned down (“The Life of Theodore Roosevelt”, par. 35) TR also kept Congress very busy. From president Lincoln to president McKinley there was 158 executive orders. During 7 years in office TR issued 1,007 (Powell, par. He experienced life as a rancher which allowed him to relate to the working class citizens of America. He always kept the working classes best interest in mind and was fair to everyone. He was a war hero. He put his foot down and spoke out against political corruption. When it came to foreign and domestic affairs Teddy Roosevelt spoke softly but carried a big stick. He was prepared to use force when necessary but often used persuasion to avoid conflict and keep tranquility in the world. He didn’t let Congress push him around like how he threatened Congress to pass the Meat Inspection and Pure Food and Drug acts. He showed strength and interest in the future by dismantling monopolies, building the Panama Canal, and by preserving land. Teddy Roosevelt kept the average working class American’s best interest in mind and through his toughness he gave America a square

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