What Are The Similarities Between Hitler And Palpatine

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For the Love of Power Two dominate leaders, one historic leader: Adolf Hitler and one based on a historical leader: Chancellor Palpatine. Both lusted for power and the expansion of their empires. They were feared dictators, who fed on chaos. They were the master manipulators who worked their way to the top with their charisma. Anyone who stood in their way was immediately viewed as the enemy and eliminated. Both leaders were very similar in many ways. Whether it be having a secret army, having full emergency power, separating their enemy from the rest of the population or taking out those who opposed them. As many campaigners do, they promise great intentions for their empire. It was what Hitler and Senator Palpatine did to help them get …show more content…

Palpatine was given full power because Senator Jar Jar Binks proposed to the senate that Palpatine should be granted emergency powers until the separatists’ crisis had passed. Hitler seized the opportunity to take emergency power after the Reichstag Fire of 1933. Both Hitler and Palpatine established an enemy. Palpatine established the Jedi as an enemy. Hitler established the Communists and the Jews as an enemy. Hitler believed the Jews, Communists and anyone who opposed him to be a threat. Hitler targeted the Jews because of an assassination of a German-Swedish diplomat by a Jewish man. Palpatine believed the Jedi to be a threat against him because he knew they would get in the way of him ruling the galaxy. So Palpatine targeted the Jedi because they ‘attempted’ to assassinate Palpatine. Both Palpatine and Hitler made a fatal mistake during their wars. Hitler halted the advancing troops, when they were encircling the French and British near Dunkirk. Palpatine halted the Imperial Fleet once they were in attack position during the Battle of Endor. Hitler and Palpatine symbols were corrupted and taken down after their rule. Hitler and Palpatine had mentors before their dictatorship. Hitler’s mentor was Dietrich Eckart. Palpatine’s mentor was Darth Plagueis. Hitler and Palpatine both believed that their enemies were all taken care of and it was only a matter of time before they were gone

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