How the Nazis Gained and Maintained Power in Germany

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How the Nazis Gained and Maintained Power in Germany

· Why did no one succeed in stopping Hitler?

* 37% of votes in July

* Higher than any other party

* Good reason for Hitler to take control and power

* Hitler had learnt the only way to achieve real power was through

democracy thanks to the Munich Putsch

* Hitler established a secure position very quickly once he came to


* Papen and the other Weimar politicians believed that the

constitution would stop revolutionary movements

* Hitler turned down the position of vice-chancellor, good move, he

wanted to become the chancellor which would give him far more


* Papen and Hindenburg failed to stop Hitler; Hindenburg was old and

tired. He was frustrated in the way he was made to involve himself

in government. Her may have been sick and or mentally weakened due

to his age.

* There is definitely evidence that Hindenburg was tired of politics

* Weak democratic roots in Germany

* Not used to elected politicians, too shallow roots of democracy,

Hitler exploited this.

* Failure of left wing to unite against Hitler

* Communists and socialists were not on talking terms, very

different ideas and plans

* Success in March 5th election: 44% of the vote

* Gives them lots of power

* Process of Gleichschaltung (co-ordination)

* All institutions drawn under the Nazi regime

* People like the idea of unification

* Whole apparatus of state now at Hitler's disposal

* Greater effect of Hitler because of years of Message of rebirth

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