Ottoman And Russian Empires Similarities

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Comparing and Contrasting the Ottomans and the Russians

There were many important empires on the Eurasia continent; The Qing Dynasty, The Ming Dynasty, The Tokugawa Shogunate, The Mughal Empire, The Safavid Empire, The Russian Empire and The Ottoman Empire They all had their similarities and their differences and their influence on the modern day are strong. Two of the of the countries that shared many similarities but also had their differences where the Russian empire and the Ottoman empire.
To start there are their similarities. The biggest similarity of the two is that both empires survived into the 20th century while their other contemporaries did not. Secondly the two empires were alike in their strong armies. Their armies which were made strong most notably by their rulers, the Russian Peter the Great and the Ottoman Suleiman the Magnificent, and a further but related …show more content…

The big one was in the way the empires were ruled. Russia preferred a highly centralized government while the Ottoman’s for the most part let the local governments do the day to day governance, as long as they still got their taxes. Their religions also differed. The Russians are Orthodox Christians and their government didn’t have much in the way of religious tolerance while the Ottomans had large swaths of conquered lands with many religions so they were quite tolerant so their religious scope was varied. The empires also differed on their relationships with European technology. The Ottoman empire didn’t embrace it and then it was too late and their technology deficit caused their downfall. The Russian’s also stayed away until Peter the Great. After him they wholly embraced everything European. The last example of differences between the Ottoman and Russian empires is their useage of slaves. The Russian’s whole economy was based on serfdom while the Ottomans had child slaves who into their

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