What Are The Importance Of The River Festival Essay

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FINDING: Raising awareness of environmental issues may be a low cost initiative that offers large benefits. After holding series of interviews in Mtskheta, it was clear that the level of environmental awareness and education among locals seems to be insufficient for the sustainable development of the area, considering in mind the potential for growing tourist flows and infrastructure development. The existing problems, such as absence of sewerage system, dumping garbage in the river, irresponsible use of environmentally unfriendly materials and fuel types, uncontrolled camping are worsened by the lack of awareness and initiative among local stakeholders. It goes without doubt, that the strong governmental top-down initiative is required, however, …show more content…

Despite the fact that rivers remain the essential part of Mtskheta’s history and culture, being an outstanding part of the local landscape, the role of the river is mostly ignored and not treated with the required respect. This situation can be changed by creating an event, where the river can become a focal point of visitor’s attention - the River Festival. Practices on creating environmentally aware festivals are quite common - among those are Blue-Green Community & Environmental Awareness Festival in Pike Haven Resort and The Hudson River Clearwater Festival at Croton Point Park, USA . Moreover, the festival itself can be a good platform to communicate with all the local stakeholders involved and provide information on environmental awareness issues, hold workshops and introduce new services and opportunities. During the festival the potential tourism services and activities can also be introduced, among them are performances of the local boating and kayaking teams, which are currently represented only to a small group of local dwellers and are mostly unknown to tourists. Such activities as camping, cooking, show of the local cuisine, wine, dances and other cultural traditions can also bring visitors’ attention to the

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