What Are The Arguments Against Gun Ownership

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On the topic of gun ownership in the United States of America, I propose that carrying guns must be encouraged for civilian use after sufficient background checks and training. After reading five articles by the Conservative columnist Kevin McCullagh, it is evident that he also backs my claim, as he frequently discusses the impacts of guns in current events and wishes to protect the United States from gun violence with the principle of “mutually assured destruction. The fundamental issues with gun ownership are that forms of violence differ across countries and that gun violence is not exclusively caused by one issue. Countries such as Japan have no gun ownership opportunities and yet a high rate of violence while Switzerland has a low rate of violence and prevalent gun ownership. I believe that this discrepancy is caused by differently regulated gun laws, violence exposure in media and culture, and mental health care. What McCullagh states in his …show more content…

He does not include complete removal of guns like how some propose to fix this issue.
Guns are deeply imbedded in American society and will not be simply removed without a fight. A good example of American tenacity was the prohibition of alcohol, when a substance that people used for both recreation and expression of inward vanity, was restricted completely. Most of the politicians in Washington, DC strongly supported the imposition of the ban, but when it went into effect, the public responded in a way that neither the temperance

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