Wellness Components, Warm Up, and Cool Down

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Wellness Components

Wellness has many dimensions and different perspectives every person defines wellness differently; some would say wellness is illness free, while others may say healthy or fit. Many people do not know what being fit or being healthy is because everyone they hear it from tells them differently. We all have different levels of abilities and require different workout programs and food guidelines. Diet and fitness are not the main qualities for being healthy, there are five components that make up overall health or wellness this is called holistic health, (MacDonald, 2011). The components do not require equal attention, but they do need appropriate attention, equality does not mean health, (MacDonald, 2011). The five components of holistic health include:

o Mental health -This deals with the minds ability to learn and grow intellectually; life experiences and formal structures improve mental health,

(Anderson, 2007, p. 5)

o Physical health -This deals with the body and performance. Physical health carries out the daily activities with vitality and relative ease, (Bushman, 2011, p. 80). There are 4 components of physical health they are: cardiorespiratory capacity, muscular capacity, flexibility, and body composition, (Anderson, 2007, p. 4).

o Spiritual health -A belief in some unifying force, (Anderson, 2007, p. 5). It is the ability to find a meaning and purpose in life circumstances, (Bushman, 2011, p. 80).

o Emotional health -An emotional control and understanding of feelings to accept limitations and achieve emotional stability.

o Social health -Ability to interact positively with others and building personal relationships.

Wellness is similar to a tire if the tire is flat, it will be difficult to ...

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...Academic OneFile.

MacDonald, S., Fanshawe College, London, ON, PHRE1004 lecture notes, Fall, 2011.

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