Walmart Safety Issues

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Next, Walmart often lacks care of the customers after their money is spent inside of the store. Safety is a big concern for businesses, it is known that most corporations what to insure the safety of all. This is not true for Walmart; they don’t seem to care what happens outside of their building. Safety is a promise that should be there unsaid, but because of Walmart’s ways they had publically promised safety to customers after a number of incidents but did nothing and continued on the same path. In film, the viewer was made aware of how Walmart knew that the majority of the crime throughout the one state occurred in their parking lot, they have done nothing extra to protect costumers. Allegations from Walmart shoppers included but not limited to, rape, murder, kidnapping, theft, attacks, …show more content…

The to the company was always becoming involved in many lawsuits that soon caused them to earn the reputation a corrupt business for their Nationwide pattern of covering up research by not making the courts aware of their conducted studies in lawsuits. The company was found guilty and charged eighteen million dollars for pattern of deception. The judge placed on one of the cases, Judge sharolyn wood, had served for 17 years and has had over twenty-five-thousand cases, expressed how she has rarely every seen a company with such scandalous behavior, she is ashamed of how they abused the system like that. She expresses how the company had an intentional course of conduct and just saw them as a corrupt corporation. In addition to charging them with pattern of deception she also charged them of cheating in court, she was not the only one who found them guilty of this wrong doing, judges all over the country had charged the company with high fines for the same

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