Vineland II Summary

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Professors, psychologists among other professionals have depended on Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales as a leading measure of personal and social skills needed for daily living. It offers information for developing treatment and educational plans in addition to aiding in giving a diagnosis. Vineland II is the leading instrument for supporting the diagnosis of developmental and intellectual disabilities, autism spectrum disorder and ADHD. It uses various forms such as survey and expanded interviews, parent/caregiver and teacher ratings. The test is used to assess adaptive behavior from birth to adulthood. It’s updated with improved items, expanded age range and new norms. It offers convenient rating forms and gives semi structured interview …show more content…

The interview has open ended questions targeted at assessing adaptive behavior. • Expanded Interview Form: It provides an in-depth alternative to the survey interview form with more items to help program a more detailed plan for individuals between the age bracket 0-5 • Parent/caregiver Rating: its often used as an alternative when time is limited. It has the same content as survey interview but uses rating scale format. It is used to track progress. • Teacher Rating: This is used to assess adaptive behavior for students in school with interview containing contents that a teacher could observe in a classroom setting. The test is used to asses adaptive behavior in four domains namely, daily living skills (personal, community and domestic), motor skills (Gross and fine), socialization (play and leisure time, coping skills and interpersonal relationships) and communication (receptive, written and expressive). There is also an optional domain: Maladaptive behavior Index (Internalizing and externalizing). 4. Reliability/Validity (10

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