Valery Spiridonov Research Paper

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Thirty year old Valery Spidonov has been living his life with Werdnig-Hoffman disease. Werdnig-Hoffman disease is a disease “which wastes away his muscles and means that his health is rapidly declining” (Griffin). For a man who knows he has got nothing to lose, undergoing a head transplant can not be worse than his road to death. The problem is, his head transplant will be the first ever human head transplant. Christopher Hooton, a senior reporter for The Independent says “his fate could be considerably worse than death” (Crew). What is Hooton’s reason for saying this? He believes that the transplant can mess with Spiridonov’s mind, and Spiridonov can become insane. (Crew). Everyone’s problem with going through with this procedure, is if it will be possible to perform the first human …show more content…

One of the main problems is that this procedure has never been done before to humans, so there is no way of knowing the end result. Dr. Sergio Canavero addressed his procedure in an online piece he wrote himself, called “HEAVEN: The Head Anastomosis Venture Project Outline for the First Human Head Transplantation with Spinal Linkage” (Heaven). Dr. Canavero also tried to explain what will happen in the procedure at a TEDx talk using a banana (the body), a very sharp knife, and spaghetti (the spinal cord) (TEDx). Dr. Canavero will cut off both heads (the dead donor’s head and Spidonov’s head) with a very sharp knife. The body will have to be as cold as 12 degrees celsius so the body could be kept without it’s blood flowing. Keeping the body under Hypothermia gives the doctors 45 minutes to attach the new head to the spinal cord without hurting Spidonov (Wlassoff). After explaining what will happen in the procedure, some people have agreed that the procedure will be possible with our technology, but others still do not agree it will be

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