Controversy and Concerns Surrounding Childhood Vaccinations

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Many new vaccines have been developed by companies whose interest is in the well-being of children is in question. Consequently, since 1950 over 29 vaccinations have been added to the list of recommended vaccinations children need by age. Children are now receiving 6 rounds of 6 vaccinations by the age of 6. With the seemingly increased rate in complications related to immunizations, many parents are questioning the benefit of vaccinations for their children. There are claims of vaccines causing autism which led to a huge movement to change the vaccination schedule. With this movement, others fear parents will opt to not vaccinate their children causing diseases to make themselves prevalent again. From polling parents, many support mandatory …show more content…

Cheryl feels immunizations are given too early, therefore, vaccines should be given later. Vaccinating according to the time frame set by doctors should not be mandatory. Marissa agrees while adding there are so many added vaccinations today. “I don’t believe all of the vaccinations are worth the risk”. Personally, she had a daughter injured by vaccinations and a close relative who lives life in a vegetative state now because of vaccinations. “While many vaccines are worth the risk, not all are, and I am against those mandatory vaccinations.” Madalyn says vaccines contain harmful substances parents may not want their children to have. “Toxic substances are in all vaccinations. As an adult I can choose if I want these harmful substances in my body, but my child …show more content…

Cheryl says immunizations are too hard on a young infant’s body leading one to believe infants are vulnerable because of their small stature. Birth weight is different for each child, but in comparison the amount of immunizations given to infants is a high ratio compared to the same vaccines given to adults. Marissa claims not all children need every vaccine. In order to believe this, one believes there are too many vaccines and each individual is different. There has been an increase is the number of vaccines recommended for children to get over the past decade and the number of newly invented vaccinations. While humans share many similar characteristics, they do differ. For example, many people develop allergies to foods, weather, or certain material while others do not. Therefore, it is not too far fetch to believe vaccinations can have different effects of different individuals. Madalyn’s claim that vaccines contain toxic substances parents may not want their children to have leads one to believe parents have the right to decide for their child and that substances, such as mercury, that are prevalent in vaccines are toxic. Parents have guardianship over their children and are the ones responsible to taking care of and deciding for their children until they become of age. Amongst the heated argument of mandatory vaccination for children, both sides agree some vaccinations are important enough to be mandatory. Despite

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