V For Vendetta Hope Analysis

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Hope is one of the most important aspects of one’s life and we know that even when faced with tough circumstances you can retain compassion and hope. In the novel The Road, The Poem Still I Rise and the films V for Vendetta and The Shawshank redemption we see the same message throughout. We see the idea that you must always have hope and determination in order for freedom and a better life. In the road we see how the hope of a better life at the coast keeps the father and son alive and In V for Vendetta, V gives the public hope for the new life that they have been longing for. In still I rise we see Angelou showing the audience the importance of how important hope is as it allows you to pic yourself up even when faced with tough circumstances, and finally in The Shawshank redemption we see how without the hope of having a life of freedom that he deserves, Andy wouldn't have been able to escape the prison or even escape.

Symbolism is heavily used throughout this novel The Road to enforce the theme of hope and determination for a better world and/or life. Symbolism is heavily used throughout this novel to enforce the theme of hope and determination for a better world and/or life. The symbol of water is used throughout the novel to symbolise the importance …show more content…

The coast symbolism helps portray the idea that without hope, morals and purity can be lost. Not only does the coast help represent the hope that the father in son have for a better life if they reach the coast, but it also represents the happiness they expected. “They ate well but they were still a long way from the coast. He knew that he was placing hopes where he'd no reason to. He hoped it would be brighter where for all he knew the world grew darker daily” The father hopes that the sea will be vibrant and blue compared to the dull world that gets gloomier with each day. This emphasises that the coast kept them alive. But when they realised

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