Elie Wiesel Hope Quotes

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Imagine a camp where having the chance to see the ones that were significant in life was banned. Imagine a world where on a daily basis ,people got tortured in disturbing, immoral ways right in front of many viewing eyes from young to old. Image a camp where loved one’s life’s got stolen from them for all the wrong reasons. Strength and health was no longer an obstacle that had to be dealt with. The only thing left to do was to stride for something that could keep you going for the long run. What would happen then? Something new begins to grow. Something so powerful that it could possibly outshine strength and health. Hope. Hope is something that could get you farther than strength and health. “Hope is defined as the action of wishing or desiring that something will occur.” Hope helps people move forward in life to see what’s coming next for them. For example, “I had no right to let myself die. What would he do without me? I was his sole support” (Wiesel, “Night”.) This quote explains the effects of hope in a pitiful situation. Eliezer Wiesel and his father were torn apart, mentally and physically from everything they …show more content…

That in itself is not true. Without hope, many bright futures would’ve never been created. Without hope many precious lives could’ve been lost. For example is Eliezer’s “Night” Elie experiences near-death situations and goes through challenges that challenge his faith within himself and even within his religion. Throughout the book, Elie was very close to losing not just himself, but the only family and symbol of home he had left, his father. Throughout his great journey, Elie and his father experienced physical and mental pain and without the great hope that both of them had, both of them most likely would’ve never accomplished the great obstacle called the Holocaust. Strength and good health may have helped them overcome obstacles, but hope was

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