Using Macros to Get the Most Out of Excel

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Using Macros to Get the Most Out of Excel

As accounting professionals, accuracy in financial calculations and the integrity of the raw data are vital to producing useful information. Our clients prevail upon us to be more accurate and more thorough in less time. The tremendous advances in information technology are apparent across most industries. Accountants can gain much from this revolution through advances in spreadsheeting.

Microsoft Excel is an application that can produce an almost infinite number of financial calculations. A way to orchestrate a manipulation of data is to use spreadsheeting. Another more efficient way of manipulating or extrapolating data is by playing a macro.

A macro is a stored sequence of commands that can be imposed on data. Playing the macro initiates the sequence. When the macro is finished playing, the final manipulation or extrapolation is produced. This could be for example the production of a summary report.

An example of this is to view the information in a spreadsheet as raw data. (We must assume the data is all accurate otherwise rubbish in rubbish out). The data is strewn all over the spreadsheet. The macro can be seen as a filter. As we apply the macro to the data, it is like we pour the data through a filter. The information we need is collected in the filter.

Macros are more than just filters however. Using a real world example; an accountant is required to prepare a report showing the changes profit and loss figures over time for interpretation. The macro will not collect any existing data. It will manipulate the data and prepare a report showing percentages and ratios relevant to turnover and gross profit margins etc.

The macro provides this function repe...

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...ial Excel 2000 Book, Rocklin CA, Prima Tech

(8) Perry, G., (1999), Excel 2000 Answers!, Berkley, CA, Osbourne.

(9) Walkenbach, J., (1999), Excel 2000 Programming for Dummies, Foster City CA, Transworld.













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