Personal Insights into Essay Writing Techniques

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When I sit down to write a paper I simply just stare outside from where I’ am sitting, until a great sentence comes flying across my head. If that doesn’t work or simply start double guessing myself, I end the conflict in bringing both my sister and parents into the argument. As a result, they end up resolving the issue through stating what sounds great on the sentence, or what can be done to make it sound better, by following all prerequisites. Most of which ends up giving an excellent pay off, since my parents are in my personal opinion a great help when it comes to starting an essay. While others may argue that parents don’t have sufficient educational background as to help them with anything related to school.
There are many ways of how one can start writing any given essay thru plainly organizing his or hers thoughts. Great examples are using free write, bullet points, Venn diagram and so on. The method I use which is really helpful is quite different. Let’s say that I was to write a persuasive essay, before writing anything I would look through my folders until I have found a graded persuasive essay. Once In my hand I would then begin writing the essay following the previous persuasive essay’s structure and rules of the essay. Now, both being …show more content…

Without even hesitating I was the first one to raise my hand in writing this coincidental essay. That’s when I started writing the effects music has had on me while working on school material. Music has helped me a ton, because it’s like the brain telling you, “hey put your earphones back, I’m going to do my best in giving you helpful ideas. Up till this moment a college freshman, I am writing this while listening to a little of music. As if I wasn’t listening to anything, I would have been on the first page writing paragraph

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