The Benefits of Personal Music Devices in School

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"Music is the electrical soil in which the spirit lives, thinks and invents." said Beethoven. Throughout time, people have purposely used the powerful effects of music with everyday tasks. Music is thought to be the first form of art to be born, and throughout the long history of humans, it has proved to play an essential part in our lives. There is hardly anyone who has never listened to a song. In the 20th century the Western Scientific Community researched music and the mind. The research supported what we already know from personal experience: Music deeply affects and enhances our learning and living! I believe that iPods/MP3s should be allowed during class at appropriate times (when writing, doing class/home work, etc.) because it benefits the majority of students to focus and stay on task.

Music helps you concentrate and focus more. I know this from personal experience.  Wouldn’t you rather have us sitting quietly on task while listening to our music instead of messing around and being disrupting in class? For example, as I’m writing this essay, I’m sitting quietly with my ...

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