UK Health Services Not Meeting the Needs to Identify Specific Health Measures for Gay and Bisexual Men

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Health according to the Constitution adopted by the International Health Conference held in New York in 1946 which led to the foundation of the World Health Organization (WHO) was defined as “a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity” (World Health Organization 2006, pp. 1-18) and it was observed a fundamental right of every human being to enjoy the highest attainable standard of health irrespective of race, religion, political belief, economic or social condition (WHO, 2006). However Yurkovich and Lattergrass (2008) urged the impossibility of the existence of a universal definition of health as cultural context within which an individual is raised inevitably affects the person’s perceptions of health and wellness and as Spector (2003) advocated without careful observation of community and culture healthcare providers and the recipients would be like two separate groups trying to communicate in different languages. In these contexts, social messages, language, customs, and rituals serve as a form of social communication, which constitute an integral part of culture and as a result, affect treatment outcomes (Green, 2010; Naidoo and Wills eds., 2008). Conrad (1999) and Lawton (2003) (cited in Swami et al. 2009) pointed lay people perceived health and illness as something integrated into daily life, fuelling a shift from utterly bio-medical frameworks towards more holistic understandings of health and ill-health, but illness and healing according to Green (2010) and Cartwright (2010) are elaborated and socially constructed concepts and individuals acquire characteristics like capacity to represent the external world, think and communicate, explain their place in the... ... middle of paper ... ...SERVATORIES (APHO) (2009) Health Profile 2009: Birmingham [online]. [Accessed 10 January 2011] Available at: THE ASSOCIATION OF PUBLIC HEALTH OBSERVATORIES (APHO) (2010) Health Profile 2010: Birmingham [online]. [Accessed 10 January 2011] Available at: West Midlands Public Health Observatory (WMHO): WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION (2006) Constitution of the World Health Organization [online]. Geneva: World Health Organization. pp. 1-18 [Accessed on 10 January 2011]. Available at: <> YURKOVICH, E.E. and LATTERGRASS, I. (2008) Defining Health and Unhealthiness: Perceptions held by Native American-Indians with Persistent Mental Illness Mental Health, Religion and Culture [online]. 11(5), pp. 437-459 [Accessed 10 January 2011] Available at:

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