Treaty Of Versailles As The Primary Cause Of World War I

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Before the Treaty
The treaty would’ve originally been the “Fourteen Points” created by President of the US Woodrow Wilson: a list of war objectives that dealt with territorial and political resolutions, and preventing war in the future
However at the Paris Peace Conference, the other countries in the “Big Four” (Italy, France, and Great Britain), rejected this idea and wanted to put more harsh, strident obligations on Germany, because they saw them as the primary cause of World War 1

What was the Treaty of Versailles?
A document that specifies the peace terms enforced on Germany by the Allies at the end of World War I
It was signed on June 28th 1919 (between the Allied countries and Germany)
It took effective force on January 10th 1920
It …show more content…

The consultations of the treaty happened between January and June 1919
The outline was written at the Paris Peace Conference and was signed in the Palace of Versailles
The United States, United Kingdom, France, and Italy made most of the essential resolutions and decisions
None of the nations defeated in World War I had any real say in creating the document; while the other Allied victors had an insignificant position

What does it do?
It dictated severe constraints on Germany (the losers)
One thing the treaty did was make Germany admit to being responsible for the war and the losses and damage to the Allies (Article 231)
It also inflicted many financial burdens on Germany, including having them pay approximately $33 billion dollars for

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