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Today, historians believe that, “the Treaty was the best that could be hoped for in the circumstances”. How far do you agree with the statement? Justify your response. The treaty of Versailles was the first treaty after world war one that dealt with Germany. The treaty was first discussed by the allied powers of France, England and USA as well as Japan and Italy. Germany was not invited to discuss the terms of the treaty and the terms, once decided, were to be signed by Germany. Certain terms, while beneficial to the allied powers, dangerous and provoking towards Germany while other terms were consider not harsh enough by some nations. It was difficult to come up with a treaty that both dealt with Germany (hereby making the people happy) but at the same time wasn't too harsh (to stop from provoking of a relapse of world war 1). I feel the treaty was too harsh and the points below help establish why. The circumstances were such that the allied powers had to keep the community happy and punish Germany while at the same time they had to make sure Germany wouldn't retaliate. Harold Nicholson feared the worst and stated "The historian, with every justification, will come to the conclusion that we were very stupid men... We arrived determined that a Peace of justice and wisdom should be negotiated; we left the conference conscious that the treaties imposed upon our enemies were neither just nor wise." Other criticism includes "The Peace of Versailles was an unsatisfactory compromise with little chance of ensuring an enduring peace. Each of the 'Big Three' had different aims which had to be modified in order to reach an overall agreement and the Germans were not even allowed to take part in the negotiations. Germany was humiliat... ... middle of paper ... ...like they were cheated by Britain and USA. There were also mixed reactions in France as some were satisfied but nobody felt the treaty was too harsh. 3. USA: They felt like the treaty was not completely fair and in some sort of way just wanted to spread democracy and make sure there was no such war in the future. Though they initiated the League of Nations they didn't take part in it. 4. Germany : The reactions of Germans in general was 'pain and anger'. They felt it was unfair. It was a forced resolution. They had not been permitted to take part in the meeting – they had just been told to sign. Many German politicians criticized the treaty and offered counter proposals and they were not considered. This is when Lloyd George felt they should rethink the treaty. Many Germans sought to decline the treaty; a few even recommended that they initiate the war again.

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