Transtheoretical Model Of Exercise Essay

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A health behavior that I do not perform enough is exercising 2-3 times every week. Exercising meaning working on cardiovascular endurance, muscular power, speed, flexibility, agility, balance, and reducing body fat. Considering the fact that I am an adult (age ranging from 18-65), I should be getting 150 minutes of moderate physical activity or 75 minutes of high intensity per week. An achievable goal for myself would be at least 150 minutes of moderate physical activity. I can go 3 days a week to up to an hour hour due to the fact that I have no physical activity within the last few weeks. The biopsychosocial benefits would include increase in life expectancy, lower levels of cancers, lower levels of Type II diabetes, lower levels of anxiety …show more content…

Change comes in stages.” Which is exactly what I am going to need in order to start becoming more physically active again. I am currently at the “Preparation” stage where I plan to change within the next 30 days. Summer is one of the greatest time to work out because you have a little more free time than you do in the Fall and Spring time. I plan to start out in small steps and make a plan. One of the steps of the Transtheoretical model is to ‘spend time and money on changing the behavior’, which is the first step I am going to take. I am paying for a gym membership this summer, so I can slowly start working out again. Throughout the summer I will going through the stages of “action” and “maintenance.” Action will be taken place by me going consistently once every other night for 2 hours. The observable behavior would be using gym equipment and running on treadmills for the entire 120 minutes. One of the hardest thing for me to achieve would be “maintenance”, since my barriers might possibly get in the way. I will mostly likely take my close college friends who live near alongside for motivation. It is a step by step process, but if done willingly can be

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