The Importance Of The Healthy Kids Act

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The Healthy Kids Act was put into effect in Iowa on May 13, 2008. This Act has certain requirements and standards concerning physical activity and nutrition. The Healthy Kids Act has a good objective, but I don’t think it has made a huge impact on every student's life. The physical activity requirements of the Healthy Kids Act are simple. Students in kindergarten through fifth grade are to participate in at least 30 minutes of physical activity each school day. Students in sixth through twelfth grade are to participate in at least 120 minutes of physical activity every week. Sixth through twelfth grade students can meet this requirement by not only being enrolled in P.E. class, but by being involved in sports, marching band, dance, cheer, …show more content…

Even though exercising for 120 minutes and eating a little healthier may not seem like it would help improve your health, a little bit of exercising and a little change in eating habits can go a long way. Doing these things can help control your weight, reduce the risk of some diseases like heart disease, type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome, and cancer, and improve your mood. The proof that this physical activity and healthy eating has been improving my health is that my weight is pretty stable, I don’t have any of the previous mentioned diseases, and I feel happy after I …show more content…

This Act could help ensure that healthy kids will stay healthy, and it could help obese kids become healthier.
While the Healthy Kids Act has a good objective, it has many flaws. Kids may eat healthy at school, but the Act has no effect on how kids eat at home. Also, even though students are required to have healthy food on their trays at school, this doesn’t mean that they will eat it all. Much of a school’s money is wasted on food that is just going to end up in the garbage. To improve the Healthy Kids Act, I would educate children and their parents more on the effects of unhealthy eating and lack of physical activity. I would also implement tastier, yet healthy lunches and fun, new activities, making children want to eat healthy and

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