Transition To Uniforms In Schools

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Students should not go to school worrying about what they are wearing all day. Uniforms help students focus more on school work and less on outfits of the day. Schools should transition to uniforms because it lowers gang related issues, tests scores have shown to improve, and uniforms encourage safety.
Uniforms lower gang-related issues; therefore, they should be transitioned into schools. Gangs make schools, as well as students and staff, feel unprotected. They also put students under a lot of pressure. Gangs are quickly expanding through schools and communities (Imberman). According to a current report made by National Gang Intelligence Center gangs typically gather lower grades schools to join their gangs (Brusma). This makes school …show more content…

Gangs usually differentiate themselves by wearing specific colors or cutting their hair a certain way (Imberman). If schools allow gangs to distinguish themselves they will spread quicker and cause more problems (Imberman). Allowing students to be distracted by what their classmates are wearing is unfair to the ones that go to school focused and ready to learn. Students often join gangs because they feel peer pressured and unsafe. As a result, they feel the need to join a gang for protection (Brusma). Uniforms are a good way to have the order in school and lower the risk of having gang influences during school. The uniform would also eliminate a lot of gang related issues going on in school. National Association of Principals conducted a study between uniformed schools and non-uniformed schools (Pate). The outcome showed that uniformed schools have less gang related activity, and school violence (Pate). In the year 2000 the number of schools across the country that switched to school uniforms increased by 5 percent to help reduce criminal activity in schools, according to the National Center for Educational Statistics (Pate). If Board of Education wants a safe environment for students staff to have to work and do what they can to make it happen (Imberman). Without gang-related issues in school students will be able to focus on their education …show more content…

There have been many school shootings in the past years. Uniforms help prevent students from hiding weapons under baggy clothing. Uniforms also help staff identify unauthorized visitors that have entered the school (Lany). Uniforms help influence safety in schools in many ways. If teachers can identify unauthorized visitors faster, they can also get more free time on their hands and not have to roam the halls and check for unauthorized visitors (Beckett). If Board of Education requires students to wear uniforms there would be less left in schools ( Lany). Students, as well as teachers both, need to be kept safe during school. There would be less theft in school because everyone would look the same, and wear the same things, so students would not have a reason to steal. Uniforms have lowered theft in schools; since students are required to wear uniforms, they do not wear expensive brand name clothing (Beckett). Uniforms order a stricter atmosphere: therefore, there are fewer discipline problems (Lany). When uniforms were enforced teachers noticed behavior positively changed. Better behavior means fewer fights in school, and fewer distractions going on during class. Teachers and students will be able to be calmer and get more instructional time during their classes instead of calling students out for misbehaving. Schools give students a better learning atmosphere

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